30 Days for Climate Justice Day 8: A Simple Petition, A Small Donation… Unist’ot’en Solidarity

We all need to make climate justice part of our everyday work. This can’t be an interest unique to some, it is vital to everyone’s future. The Wet’suw’eten people provide an online Supporter Toolkit so you can take direct and simple steps to support climate justice. Please look it over and see what is within your capacity! 

Please take a moment to “respect the rights, jurisdiction, and laws of the Wet’suwet’en on their unceded territories” (http://unistoten.camp/supportertoolkit/) by adding your name to the solidarity pledge and to sign the petition. Anyone can do this!

If you can donate, please donate to the access fund or the legal fund— today I donated just $10 to each. Let’s remember that we don’t have to be rich to donate a bit to the access and legal funds.  Regardless, please circulate the campaigns on social media. It really helps both to raise awareness as well as funds. 

Recognizing Indigenous sovereignty is climate justice. Please watch this 6 minutes video to learn more about Wet’suwet’en ways of consensus based leadership and protection of the land and climate to learn more if this is a new arena. Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs Reject Pipelines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA1dihXTjBU#action=share.

This is my petition today. Instead of solely forwarding memes that say we are doomed, instead of just making jokes about governmental hypocrisy, please forward the campaigns from Unist’ot’en Nation and support their work to do something to save a livable world for all. 


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